Industrial Effluent Treatment System (IETS)

An Industrial Effluent Treatment system is installed within the plant to treat wastewater generated by the recovery processes. It is designed to treat the wastewater to comply with the Standard A of the Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009.

The wastewaters will be collected in a water sump and pumped to an Equalization tank to homogenize the wastewater. The homogenized wastewater will then be pumped to the DAF tank where we will do the dosing of coagulant and flocculent to remove colloidal matters, suspended solids and heavy metals present in the wastewater. The chemically treated wastewater will flow into the aeration tanks for Biological treatment. 98 % of BOD and COD will be removed in the aeration process. In aeration tanks, microorganisms will use the organic matters in the wastewater as a food supply and convert them into biological cells or biomass. Once the reaction has taken place, the wastewater will be channeled to a clarifier in order for the biomass to settle in as sludge. The supernatant (wastewater after settling) will be filtered using sand filter followed by carbon filter before final discharge. The sludge will be collected in a sludge holding tank and channeled to a filter press for dewatering.

Air Pollution Control System (APCS) & Water Curtain

The solvent washing area in A-drum restoration process is a source of VOC polluted air emission. The solvent washing machine is connected to a duct that channels the fume to the wet scrubber and activated carbon filter for treatment prior to releasing to the atmosphere via the chimney.

The paint booth in A-drum restoration is also another source of polluted air emission. The paint booth has an extraction system to evacuate vapors from the painting processes. The fumes will be channeled to a water curtain which acts in the principles of condensation. Wastewater collected will be treated in the IETS


Phone: +606 529 1212
Mr. Suriya: +6016 242 4336
Mr. Loga: +6012 980 9452

JA 7068,
Kawasan Perindustrian Jasin,
Batu 16, 77200 Bemban,
Melaka, Malaysia