Environmental Policy

Suramjes Recovery (M) Sdn Bhd enforce environmental matters as one of our priority issues and committed into protecting and improving environmental aspects within the operations and ensuring preserving and enhancing the quality on environmental factors on employees, customers and community surroundings.

  • Be aware and conscious of global environmental issues and formulate comprehensive environmental plans to ensure compliance to the environmental laws with proper training scheme on understanding the rules and regulations.
  • Design with construction prevention on pollution in the operations with gradual improvement on the environmental management system to enhance environmental performance.
  • Regulate with 4R concept by programs REDUCE, REUSE, RECYLCE, and RECOVERY methodology in the operations which is the core business in the organization.
  • Regular environmental awareness on employees and contractors on the importance of this policy by education, training, and enforcement of working ethics for better social sustainability.

Health and Safety Policy

SURAMJES RECOVERY management firmly believes in the importance of providing a healthy and safe environment for the employees, contractors and visitors. It is Suramjes Recovery to do all that is reasonable to protect against personal injury or damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable hazards. It is important that safety legal requirements by all management and staff and adequate safety procedures are put in place to ensure compliance. In particular, MANAGEMENT has a responsibility:

  • To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions taking into account statutory requirements.
  • To provide training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
  • To make available all necessary safety and protective equipment and to supervise their use.
  • To maintain a constant and continuing interest in health and safety matters relating to SURAMJES RECOVERY objectives, in particular, by ensuring employees whenever possible undertake hazard spotting as a normal part of their duties.
  • EMPLOYEES have an obligation to co-operate in the implementation of this policy:
    • By exercising general care
    • By working safely and efficiently
    • By using protective equipment provided and by meeting their statutory obligations
    • By adhering to Company procedures for securing a safe Workplace
    • By assisting in the investigation of accidents with the aim of preventing their recurrence


Phone: +606 529 1212
Mr. Suriya: +6016 242 4336
Mr. Loga: +6012 980 9452

JA 7068,
Kawasan Perindustrian Jasin,
Batu 16, 77200 Bemban,
Melaka, Malaysia
